About us

Lead Free Kids New York (LFKNY) is a growing statewide coalition of individuals, groups and organizations working together to end childhood lead exposure and poisoning in New York by advocating for state-level policy solutions to eliminate lead hazards in housing and other community settings.

Our members include parents, teachers, healthcare workers, child, environmental, public health and tenant advocates, researchers, lawyers, and many others united in our belief that all New York children deserve to be #LeadFreeKidsNY. Join our movement today!

press conference Albany

NYS District 30 Senator Cordell Cleare, District 61 Senator Sean Ryan, District 149 Assemblymember Jonathan Rivera, Sonal Jessel, MPH, and other coalition members at the Lead Free Kids NY press conference in Albany on March 31, 2022.

Our Policy Priorities

  • Comprehensive funding to find and fix lead hazards before they harm children
  • Close the funding gap for New York’s lead poisoning prevention programs
  • Required rental housing maintenance standards, proactive inspection and testing of residential property, school drinking water testing, and safe work practices.

Download Our Policy Priorities as a PDF

Campaign Members

American Academy of Pediatrics – New York
Central New York Community Foundation
Citizen Action of New York
Citizens’ Committee for Children of New York
Commission on the Public’s Health System
Common Ground Health
Community Foundation for Greater Buffalo
Environmental Advocates NY
Food and Water Watch
Great Neck Breast Cancer Action Coalition
Green Inside and Out
Lead-Free Mohawk Valley
Legal Aid Society of Northeastern New York
Legal Assistance of Western New York
Mohawk Valley Perinatal Network
Moms for a Nontoxic New York
Montefiore Medical Center Pediatrics
Natural Resources Defense Council
New York Lawyers for the Public Interest
New York Public Interest Research Group
New York School-Based Health Alliance
North American Climate, Conservation and Environment (NACCE)
NYS United Teachers
SUNY Upstate
Syracuse University

Informational Network

Chautauqua County Department of Health and Human Services
Columbia Journalism School
Cornell Cooperative Extension Oneida Co.
General Pediatrics, University of Rochester Medical Center
Genesee County Health Department
Healthy Capital District
National Coalition for Healthy Housing
New York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal
Onondaga County Health Department
Rochester Area Community Foundation
Schuyler County Public Health
University of Rochester
Western New York Lead Poisoning Prevention Resource Center

Steering Committee

Childrens Defense Fund – New York
Coalition to Prevent Lead Poisoning
Northern Manhattan Improvment Corporation
New York League of Conservation Voters
PUSH Buffalo
WE ACT For Environmental Justice

Enoshja Ruffin photo


“My 3-year-old at the time was exposed to lead in my apartment back in 2019. I have had to worry about the effects on her cognitive development, her development as a whole, because we all know that all children who are exposed to lead, a neurotoxin, are at high risk for lowered IQ’s, delays in growth and speech, learning disabilities, organ failure, and even death…”

Link to the story Citizen Action of New York’s Enoshja Ruffin on Lead Poisoning’s Impact