Our Impact

This is where we share updates about the Lead Free Kids NY movement. Stay connected and follow us on social media.

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Join LKFNY’s Teach-In & Day of Action!

Teach-In and Day of Action   CDF-NY’s Whole Child, Whole Community Week of Action Promo Video, which features a New York childhood lead poisoning statistic.  Dear Advocate,   Lead Free Kids New York (LFKNY) invites you to participate in a teach-in on Sunday, March 12th, at 6pm and a day of action on Thursday, March […]

Lead Free Kids NY 2023 State Priorities Fact Sheet

Please read and download our 2-page fact sheet about our coalition’s 2023 priorities for our State legislators. We encourage you to share our fact sheet with others!

Action Alert! Join Lead Free Kids NY Advocacy Day!

On February 14th, join us virtually or in-person to encourage our state elected representatives to take action to stop our childhood lead poisoning crisis. Meet with key decision-makers at the NYS Capitol to advocate for key priorities this session in teams led by experienced advocacy pros. If this is your first advocacy day, don’t worry: […]


  For Immediate Release: 1/23/2023 GOVERNOR KATHY HOCHUL   VIDEO, AUDIO, PHOTOS & RUSH TRANSCRIPT: GOVERNOR HOCHUL HIGHLIGHTS STATE OF THE STATE HOUSING AND LEAD EXPOSURE PROPOSALS    Governor Hochul: “In my State of the State address, with Rochester top of mind, and the extraordinary accomplishments here, we proposed a program to drastically reduce the risk of […]

Action Alert! Support our Campaign!

Take Action to End Childhood Lead Exposure in New York! Tell our elected leaders: New York’s children and youth deserve to live in homes that are healthy, lead-free and climate ready! Send an email to your officials with one click! Link to Campaign

Enoshja Ruffin photo


“My 3-year-old at the time was exposed to lead in my apartment back in 2019. I have had to worry about the effects on her cognitive development, her development as a whole, because we all know that all children who are exposed to lead, a neurotoxin, are at high risk for lowered IQ’s, delays in growth and speech, learning disabilities, organ failure, and even death…”

Link to the story Citizen Action of New York’s Enoshja Ruffin on Lead Poisoning’s Impact