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This is where we share updates about the Lead Free Kids NY movement. Stay connected and follow us on social media.

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Lead Free Kids NY 2023 State Priorities Fact Sheet

Lead Free Kids New York 2023 Policy Priorities Fact Sheet Find our updated priorities fact sheet here!

Lead Free Kids Advocacy Day Tuesday, May 9th

The Lead Free Kids NY Coalition will be holding an advocacy day in Albany next Tuesday, May 9th from 11am-4pm. Join us to tell legislators to pass the Lead Free Kids Bill Package this year!

two children hugging

Letter to Governor Hochul from 70 Organizations

Letter to Governor Hochul from 70 Organizations

CDF NY’s Whole Child, Whole Community FY2024 Budget Teach-In

On Sunday, March 12th, at 6pm, the Children’s Defense Fund-New York’s (CDF-NY) held their “Whole Child, Whole Community FY2024 Budget Teach-In,” to hear from fierce youth advocates, impacted community leaders and state elected officials as we explain the critical budget needs of marginalized children, youth, young adults, families and their communities and the investments New […]

Enoshja Ruffin photo


“My 3-year-old at the time was exposed to lead in my apartment back in 2019. I have had to worry about the effects on her cognitive development, her development as a whole, because we all know that all children who are exposed to lead, a neurotoxin, are at high risk for lowered IQ’s, delays in growth and speech, learning disabilities, organ failure, and even death…”

Link to the story Citizen Action of New York’s Enoshja Ruffin on Lead Poisoning’s Impact